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2010-09-14 20:04:09
Last author: Sonya Blue
Owner: Sonya Blue
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Nami, and the Seven Knights

Nami is being held prisoner in Jin's castle, he plans to kill her the moment she signs her late husbands kingdom over to him, he has not yet told her her husband is dead, but plans to do so soon.
The four remaining knights sent to rescue Nami are just outside the palace, trying to figure out how to rescue her before she signs over the kingdom
We are jumping ahead a few months now. Nami has been rescued, and has also found out that her unborn children are not her husbands, but are Jin's. They have not made it back to Nami's palace yet, due to the fact that things keep happening, either Jin catches up to them, and they have to hide, for Nami's safety, or Jin has sent someone after them to slow them down.


Raidon went off to go face Jin alone. Raidon died in the fight, and some believe Jin is dead as well, but he really isn't. Nami doesn't believe Jin is dead because his body was never found. About a month after she buried her husband, she found out that she was pregnant again, and soon gave birth to Vera, the daughter of Raidon, and the true heir to his throne. The kindom of Nightfell is still on guard, waiting for Jin's attack.
3 years later Vera, Amallia and Azhemin are three years old, and are currently learning to control their abilities. Nami has given each of the Knights that helped her and her children get to the castle safely their own land in the kingdom, and also lead their own groups of knights on patrols, looking for signs of Jin, or his wife, or his followers.
Nami has also allowed Morganis to stay in the castle, It took Nami almost a year to move on after the death of Raidon, the pain of losing him a second time proved to be more than she could handle for a long time. Morganis helped her the whole way. And now they are together...

Nami, and the seven knights *Jin's Castle*-Where Jin, and followers of jin can

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2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Slyvannis meeped and jumped back in shock. Stepping back up to the crib, he'd gently lift her up and take his robe and wiped her mouth and nose. "Well very big bless you." he'd whisper with a smile.

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: She just looked up at him "..."

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis began to sing the same soothing tone that he sang for her mother.

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: Amallias eyes wandered around the room

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled and continued to sing for her.

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: She began to unwillingly fall asleep

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled and continued to sing as he placed her back in the crib, then covered her up, and kissed her forehead. "Sleep well, little princess." he'd whisper.

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: Amallia stirred, but stayed asleep

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis crawled back into bed and feel quickly back to sleep.

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: .

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: Nami woke up a couple of hours later to the sound of a pissed off Amallia, the noise scared her so bad that she had fallen out of the bed with a thud "...Ow" She walked towards Amallia's crib

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis quickly shot up, and moved to check on Azhemin, while Nami check on Amallia.

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: Amallia picked up Amallia, which caused her to quiet down immediately

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled and picked up Azhemin as he stareted to cry now that she stopped crying, the comfort of this strange mans arms was very soothing, so he just sucked on his thumb and cradled against him. "AWh." he'd whisper.

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: She smiled a little, as he rocked Amallia

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled and rocked Azhemin.

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: after a while, Amallia fell back to sleep, and Nami put her back in the crib

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis did the same once Azhemin was sleep, then looked to her and smiled. "I can get us out of here now.."

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: She looked at him "how?"

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled. "The same way we got to you so quickly."

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded slightly "...Is it safe...for them" she looked to her children

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled. "Of course" he'd say.

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded again "Then we should tell Arya and the others..."

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis nodded and kissed her cheek. "Shall we?" he'd ask reaching for her hand, wanting to take it slow.

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: She didn't react to him when he kissed her cheek, and reached for her hand

Arya was still outside

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled and took her hand and walked her outside. "Arya." he'd call out once he stepped outside, holding her hand.

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: Arya blinked, and looked over at him

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled. "We're...taking it slow, Arya." he'd say, raising his other hand.

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: She frowned "I didn't ask, but alright...What do you want?"

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis kissed Nami's cheek again and walked over to her. "I need you two to collect the children and pack up..." he' say looking to them as he pulled out a few runic stones.

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: Nami nodded slightly, and then followed Arya inside

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis began to place the runic stones down.

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: Nami handed Amallia to Arya, then went to pick Azhemin up.

Arya looked down at Amallia "..."

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Azhemin giggled and looked at his mom.

Morganis began to mummble the spell in a demonic tongue.

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: She smiled at him, then lead Arya back outside

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis had just got the port up and was on his hands and knees.

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: Nami walked towards him "Are you alright?"

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis nodded. "It just weakens me...that's all." he'd say slowly pushying himself up. "I have to get used to doing it before I'll stop getting weak."

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: Nami nodded slightly

Arya walked up behind her

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis nodded. "Go in...I have to be last."

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: Arya walked through it first

Nami nodded slightly, and walked through

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis walked through as well, stepping outside of the palace gates as the portal closed.

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: Nami looked up at the castle "...'

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled. "Welcome home, Nami." he'd smile.

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: She didn't smiled, a saddened expression fell to her face as she walked through the gates

Arya sighed and looked to morganis "..."

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [VEd?]

Morganis sighed. "Im' sorry, Nami..."

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: Nami didnt answer...just kept walking

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis stepepd up to her side. "Nami..." he'd whisper.

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: She looked over at him "...Yes?"

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Malganis hooked his arm around hers since she was holding the baby and smiled. "Everythings going to be okay..." he'd assure her.

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: she looked forward, and nodded "I know.."

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Malganis nodded.

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: Arya followed them, quietly

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Malganis walked along the halls.

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: Nami stopped, and handed her son to him "I'll be back..." She walked into a room, and closed the door behind her

Arya walked up next to him

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled and held Azhemin with a smile. "Yes, something on your mind Arya?"

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: She shook her head, holding Amallia "It's quiet here, its not like i remember it..."

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis sighed. "You know why...."

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: "I know, but it doesn't make it any less odd..."

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis nodded.

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: She sighed, looking down the hall "Things might pick up, once they find out she is back..."

Nami exited the room several minutes later, her expression hadn't changed, she was followed out by another woman

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled. "Hell m'lady. "he'd say nodding to the lady.

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: The woman bowed to them all "I am so glad that you were able to bring our Queen back safely...My name is Kia" She looked to them

Nami looked over to Kia

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis nodded. "Morganis, and it was the least I could do.

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: Kia looked to the children "These must be the children you told me about...They are far too adorable to be fathered by Jin, if you ask me" She smiled at them

Nami smiled a little at that comment

2010-08-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled. "And I shall raise them...sorry help raise them in a more respectable fashion."

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: she looked at him and smiled "Yes, she told me that too..."

2010-08-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Mroganis smiled. "Did she tell you the other...part." he'd blush.

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: Nami looked took Amallia from Arya "Kia, Show Arya to her room please...."

Kia blinked and nodded "Yes ma'am...Please, follow me" She started down the hall, followed by Arya

2010-08-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis looked to her, holding Azhemin. "So...."

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: Nami looked up at him "Follow me..." She started walking the opposite direction down the hall

2010-08-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled and cradled him as he followed her.

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: Nami walked down the hall quietly, and lead him into a large nursery

2010-08-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis blinked and looked around the large nursery, but he wasn't ready to put him down...not yet.

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: Nami laid Amallia down in one of the cribs, and then looked at Morganis

2010-08-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis kissed his forehead finally putting him down into the crib next to Amallia, then looked to Nami.

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: She looked towards her children "I've gotten some news..."

2010-08-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis sighed.

Azhemin blinked and looked at his mother, as if he knew she was speaking to him and his sister.

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: She looked to Morganis "Why are you sighing?"

2010-08-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis looked to her. "I....feel free, even though I'm not just yet." he'd say pointing to the brace.

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded slightly "Kia just told me, They never found my husbands body..."

2010-08-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis blinked. "Wh..he...he still could be alive? But then again...he could be ash..."

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded slightly, looking to the ground "And there have been sightings, people have said they've seen him..."

2010-08-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis stepped up and lifted her chin up, kissing the corner of her mouth. "I understand, if you wish to be with him I understand. I only wish for your happiness." he'd whisper, stepping away to walk out, he felt his heart shattering...

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: She sighed "Morganis...I'm not finished...'

2010-08-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis fought back the tears and looked back to her. "Yes, Nami?"

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: "Something is off, When others approach this man, and call him king, they say he gives them a strange look, like he doesn't know what they're talking about...If it is him, it sounds like his memory is gone..." She looked back down "I'm worried..."

2010-08-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis stepped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close. "We must find him."

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: She sighed again, closing her eyes "There are already knights looking for him, to bring him here..."

2010-08-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis nodded.

Raidon walked around aimlessly.

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: Nami was quiet for a while, then led Morganis out of the Nursry

Kia was waiting outside the room for them "I can show you to your room now sir..."

2010-08-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis blinked and looked to Nami, then back to the nursery. "Um.." he'd say, pondering where he should sleep. Near the nursery, or closer to Nami.

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: Nami looked at him "There will be a guard outside of this room at all times, you don't have to worry..."

2010-08-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis nodded and looked to Kia.

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: Kia smiled a little "Follow me..." She started walking down the hall

2010-08-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis followed her.

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: Kia looked at him, as she walked "What was your name again?"

2010-08-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Morganis."

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: "It's good to meet you Morganis..." She turned down another hall and stopped at a door "How did you Meet the queen?"

2010-08-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis looked to her. "I am...Jin's slave...his warlock..."

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: "Yes, she told me that, among other things..." She unlocked the door to the room, and then handed him the key

2010-08-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis blinked. "Then why did you need to ask?"

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: She shrugged "You answered the wrong question, I asked how you met, not whose slave you were?"

2010-08-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis frowned. "Sh..she healed me...Jin beat me, beat me heavily and I escaped him..."

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: She smiled and nodded a little "That sounds like Nami, Always trying to help someone..."

2010-08-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled. "I...good day ma'am." he'd say walking in.

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded slightly, and walked back down the hall

2010-08-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis entered his room and sat on the bed.

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: Nami had walked to her room, the one she shared with her husband, she stopped just outside the door

2010-08-11 [DragonicTunes]: Addair entered the castle, having been trying to catch up with the other knights and Nami ever since they had been attacked and he'd been injured. He followed his senses to try and find her, his sister Evanna closely in tow.

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: Nami turned from her room, and walked down the hall instead

2010-08-11 [DragonicTunes]: After looking around for a little bit, Evanna noticed Nami come into one of the halls opposite the direction her brother was going. She grinned big and pointed to Nami, tugging at Addair's sleeve, "Found her!"

Addair turned to look, quickly shushing his sister and reminding her to be polite to their queen, "She's been through a great amount of hardship, mind your manners."

Evanna pouted lightly in her childish way and stopped pointing at Nami, lacing her fingers together awkwardly the way she often did.

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: Nami stopped, hearing Addair, and Evanna, she smiled a little, seeing them

2010-08-11 [DragonicTunes]: Addair walked to her and bowed his head, "M'lady, I'm so glad to see you back home and unharmed..."

Evanna quickly followed to stand beside her brother, "We were so worried about you! When Jin attacked Addair got hurt and we lost everyone, all he could think about the entire time was whether or not you were alright. He's been beating himself up about it for months."

His cheeks flushed slightly, "Evanna..."

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: She looked up at him "Arya and Morganis were able to rescue me again, and bring me and the children back safely...You haven't got to meet them yet have you?" She looked over at Evanna

2010-08-11 [DragonicTunes]: Evanna's eyes widened a bit, "You had babies??" She grinned big, "That's great news!"

He drew his eyebrows together slightly, "No, we haven't. How? Your husband...I heard awful news from a friend of yours..."

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: She shook her head, and looked down "It is a long story, The are not my husbands. Jin tricked me, not long before he took me..."

2010-08-11 [DragonicTunes]: Addair clenched his fists, "That miserable wretch, he'll regret his mistakes. If I don't get him, Rabanastre will."

Evanna nodded, "He's a bad man, he'll end up all red eventually."

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: She looked at them "Would you like to meet them?"

2010-08-11 [DragonicTunes]: He nodded slightly and brought one hand up against his chest, "Of course, if they're indeed your children than the father be damned, that holds no meaning to me nor does it effect the loyalty I will show them and continue to show you, M'lady."

Evanna smiled a little bit, "They must be sooo cute, I love kids!"

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: She smiled a little "Well follow me..." She started walking back down the hall

2010-08-11 [DragonicTunes]: Addair followed closely at her side, Evanna in tow. Even with the circumstances he was trying to be a proper knight of Nightfell first and foremost, "How is Arya recovering from her loss...?"

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: She looked over at him, still walking "She seems fine, she doesn't talk about it..."

2010-08-11 [DragonicTunes]: He nodded slightly, "I can respect that, her husband was a good man and I don't have a single doubt that he's still sorely missed."

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: She stopped in front of the nursery "They are in here..." She opened the door

2010-08-11 [DragonicTunes]: Evanna scooted past her brother and went in to find the babies.

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: Nami walked in

Azhemin and Amallia were asleep in their cribs

2010-08-11 [DragonicTunes]: Her eyes lit up but she stayed quiet to keep from waking them up, she stood on her toes to see over the side of the crib better.

Addair chuckled softly and peaked in at the drowsy pair too, "They're darling"

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: She smiled, nodding "And quiet...They hardly ever give me trouble...Just be on your toes when Amallia starts sneezing, it could be dangerous..."

2010-08-11 [DragonicTunes]: He raised an eyebrow, still smiling gently, "Why, does she spit fire?"

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: "No but you might get struck by lightning..."

2010-08-11 [DragonicTunes]: "Jeez..." Addair shrugged, "Well at least later she'll have a decent way of protecting herself. I don't know much about powers that have to do with lightning, that's more my brother Elix's specialty."

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded "I just cant wait until shes old enough to control it..."

2010-08-11 [DragonicTunes]: He nodded and rested a hand on the hilt of his sword casually, "If you want I could contact him and see if he'd be willing to help her learn when she's a little older. Right now he's part of Rabanastre's army but to train and protect a member of the royal family would be something I'm sure Raphael would pardon him from his current duties for."

Evanna turned to them and grinned big, "He's definitely one of the best, you couldn't find anyone to match him"

2010-08-11 [Sonya Blue]: She looked at him and nodded "That would be so helpful."

2010-08-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: The king sighed and walekd around, trying to remember.

2010-08-12 [Sonya Blue]: Arya wandered the castle

2010-08-13 [DragonicTunes]: "Alright, next time I get the chance, I'll let him know what's going on. I know Elix, he won't turn you down."Addair smiled a little bit.

2010-08-13 [Sonya Blue]: She smiled "Thank you!"

2010-08-13 [DragonicTunes]: He looked back at Evanna and the kids, "We sould probably leave the babies alone though and let them rest, there's other things I should talk to you about."

2010-08-13 [Sonya Blue]: Nami nodded slightly

2010-08-13 [DragonicTunes]: Addair took her arm gently and guided her out of the room, leaving Evanna there to keep gushing, "While I was seperated from the rest of you, I also got news that Jin has a new ally, and dealing with the situation is going to prove problematic."

2010-08-13 [Sonya Blue]: Naimi blinked "How so" 

2010-08-13 [DragonicTunes]: "When Jin first kidnapped you from the festival and killed all those people, he basically started war with the Cortez family. For some reason though, Laura's abandoned Rabanastre and joined him." He sighed, "Meanwhile, Raphael's about to go for Jin's throat. He's offered to help you in any way you need."

2010-08-13 [Sonya Blue]: "But why would she side with him?"

2010-08-13 [DragonicTunes]: "I don't know, and neither does Raphael."

2010-08-13 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded "You can tell Rapheal that any help he can lend will be very welcome!"

2010-08-13 [DragonicTunes]: "Good, I will the first moment I get a chance. Jin's been too quiet, we'll have to be prepared for anything."

2010-08-13 [Sonya Blue]: "Way ahead of you on that one..."

2010-08-13 [DragonicTunes]: Addair nodded, "Of course, I'd be a fool to assume any less of you, M'lady." He smiled lightly, "It sounds like your travels have been longer and harder than mine though, don't let me keep you from resting while you have the chance."

2010-08-13 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded "Thank you Addair..."

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis sighed softly.

Raidon walked around.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: Kia walked to the Main Room of the castle

Nami was still just out side the nursery

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis rose up and headed to the Nursery.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: She began to down the hall

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis turned the corner and entered the Nursery. "Hey." he'd whisper.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: Nami looked at him "...Hey"

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis walked up to her and smiled. "You okay."

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded "Yes....Kia showed you to your room, correct?"

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis nodded. "Yes, she did."

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded again "Do you like it?"

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled. "Better than a dungeon..." he'd sigh.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: She smiled a little, and looked towards the window "I may have found a teacher...for Amallia..."

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled and slowly lifted up Azhemin cradling him. "Oh?" he'd whisper.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded "When she's old enough, he can teach her to control her lightning problem...Until then, we just have to be on her toes..." She looked at him

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled and looked to her, winking. "I'm wondering why he hasn't shown any powers yet."

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: "Maybe he has better control of them..."

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled.

Azhemin hiccuped and burped out a small spout of fire.

Morganis smiled. "I do believe you've spoken too soon." he'd chuckle.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: She blinked, then laughed a little

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Moranis smiled at her sitting next to her.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: She watched him, yawning a little

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled. "Go get some rest." he'd whisper.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: She smiled a little "I will...I'm just waiting on something before I go..." She looked towards the door

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis frowned. "Waiting on what?"

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: She looked back at him "I want to meet the guard who will be outside the door, So that I know who it is..." She smiled "She should be here any minute..."

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled. "Ya know...I'd love to watch your door.."

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: She smiled a little "That isn't necessary here...You can relax a little bit here Morganis"

There was a knock at the door

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis looked up, but still talked to her. "I wouldn't see it as a job, more of...protectign the one I love."

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: "It still isn't necessary..." She smiled as she stood and answered the door

Arya was standing on the other side of the door

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis nodded looked to Arya. "Hey Arya."

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: Arya looked to Morganis and nodded, then looked at Nami "I volunteered to watch them tonight, They are unable to find anyone else reliable enough, but they promise to have someone by tomorrow" She smiled

Nami nodded "Thank you Arya..."

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis blinked. "Um...thanks Arya." he'd smile kissing Azhemin's forehead and lying him back down, tucking him in for the night.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: Arya nodded to him "It's not a problem..."

Nami smiled, walking out of the room

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Good night Sweet prince." he'd whisper, before exiting and latching his arm around Nami's. "Might I walk you to your room?"

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: She looked at him, and then nodded "Alright..."

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis kissed her cheek and smiled, walking her.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: Her room was only a few doors down from the nursery, she stopped at the door

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled and cupped her chin just to look into her eyes. "Good night, My queen." he'd smile.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: She smiled a little at him, and nodded "Good night, Morganis..." She stepped back, and opened the door to her room

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled, waiting for her to go inside. "I'd hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave." he'd tease.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: She raised a brow at him, and shook her head a little, smiling "You are strange..." She started to walk into her room

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis looked at her ass and smiled walking off to his room.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: Nami closed the door behind her and looked around the room "..."

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis walked into his room and got to sleep.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: She sighed softly, as she walked towards the bed

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis slept peacefully.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: Nami got into her bed, and eventually fell asleep

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis snoozed.

2010-08-14 [Sonya Blue]: Nami continued to sleep

2010-08-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis snoozed.

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